Monday, January 18, 2010

Post # 2

Sorry I do not keep up with this as well as Matt. After my first post, I found out that I am supposed to title these things in oder to prevent confusion. It is day ?ish for us. Orientation is still in the works for us, but informative nonetheless. It snowed last night and contiinues to be overcast in the daytime. Feels like a Tim Burton film almost with all the dirty snow and overcast skies. We did manage to get some of the essentials done today such as getting our books. Grocery shopping was another experince. However, if Matt does not keep buying 100 kroner lap dances from the Scandinavian amazons, his stipend will go quickly.


  1. Daniel, I hope you got the image of purple panties out of your mind, unless they were on a Scandinavian Amazon's amazing behind. I also the hope that the sun shines someday.
    Matt, you go with the lap dances. You'll find some more money, somehow, some where, some day!

  2. yeah, and 20 bucks for a lap dance isn't half bad
