Thursday, January 21, 2010

Let There Be Light

So the sun finally came out for a few minutes today, and it was amazing. It was the first time we have seen it since we have been in Copenhagen. Classes also started today, and they seem pretty reasonable. Visual Journal seems pretty interesting thus far. we get to go to the Diskotek tomorrow to meet our Danish "buddy" and then saturday night he invited us to go out for dinner and then possibly out afterwards. Matt seems pretty gitty about meeting him.

We 're also planning on exploring some more this weekend, as long as this sickness I have is willing. We re figuring out more and more and meeting more and more people. We have studio tomorrow, so I guess we'll meet the people we'll be around the rest of the semester.


  1. Daniel,
    It is good to see that both of you are enjoying your big and excellent adventure. I'm glad that the sun finally found its way to the frozen north. If the skies are clear at night, don't forget that you are at a latitude where you can enjoy the Northern Lights (aka aurora borealis). It sounds as if you are getting around Copenhagen pretty well, which is difficult to do when everything is grey. I hope that your studio turns out to be thought provoking and challenging without being such a time and energy drain as what your studio was last semester. With a little luck, the sun will shine on Saturday so that any pictures that you make will have the full spectrum of color not just shades of grey! Have a good time!

  2. Daniel;
    Your dear Father shared this blog with me. Being a visual person, I went to the pictures. I appears that you had the same
    problem that Joyce and I had when we made spent our summer in Venice. That being, these people don't use deodorant and can't find a place to purchase it. Why? Well, the only people I saw in the pictures happened to be you. Where is everybody.
    When you find someone to interact with, I hope it is meaningful and they bath on a regular basis.
    Old Man Matchett
